LMFund Savings plans

Savings plans

It is possible to achieve savings with secondary raw materials and metals

Different savings plans have been conveniently transferred from the shoulders of the state to our shoulders. Even though we pay every possible tax and duty to the state, the money is used as it arrives. Therefore it makes a lot of sense to partially achieve savings by means of secondary raw materials and metals since they are eternal and cannot lose their value. We offer you weekly, monthly, semiannual, or annual payments, payments as a single sum or in monthly installments – whatever you choose, which means that you can opt for a savings plan tailored to your desires, which can also be paid by means of direct debit. The savings plan has no time limitations with regard to its termination, and sale of your secondary raw materials and metals.

What return can be expected in case of secondary raw materials and metals?

For secondary raw materials and metals it can be said that we are dealing with two types of return; the short-term and the long-term return.

The long-term return is limited to investments in secondary raw materials and metals lasting at least one year. It is regarded a safe investment with a guaranteed return since the price fluctuations push the price up and down several times over such a long period of time. You just need to find the right moment to sell. With regard to that, we will also provide advice and information on the best time to sell.

The short-term return is defined as investments lasting for up to one year. It a somewhat speculative investment, but still very safe since secondary raw materials and metals cannot lose their value entirely. We suggest short-term return investments to investors who are familiar with the market prices of secondary raw materials and metals, or monitor them on a daily basis.

 Secondary raw materials and metals are not shares of companies that have been employing new personnel for 20 years or more, that have been expanding their production, and paying out profit. Such companies can suddenly cease their operations or stagnate. In the latter case, shareholders remain empty-handed. This is not money that will provide payouts of interest on an annual basis. But secondary raw materials and metals always keep their value.

With us, you are not investing into our company or its shares. You invest exclusively in secondary raw materials and metals that are owned by you, and you only. So you are the one to manage them as you wish and decide. Our company is merely a custodian of your secondary raw materials and metals, as well as the manager of the warehouse where your secondary raw materials and metals are stored.

How do the investments in secondary raw materials and metals complement other investments?

If you want to achieve a suitably diversified investment portfolio, secondary raw materials and metals are a staple of your investment. In times of economic and social/political crises when everything loses its value secondary raw materials and metals preserve it. This means that our portfolio is balanced.

Why is safety pointed out so extensively when talking about secondary raw materials and metals?

Everything, except earth and knowledge, can lose its entire value. Secondary raw materials and metals will always remain what they are – a natural means of exchange, industrial and trading asset that takes the most important position in manufacture due to its excessive exploitation since nothing can run without secondary raw materials and metals. As a consequence, they have a higher price.
In the history of man there has never been a currency that would not lose its value. Regardless whether it is the dinar, mark, lira, pound, dollar … Even real estate is exposed to disasters (earthquakes, floods, climate changes) and time. What about shares? Let us ask ourselves how many have remained until today ever since 1800 when the first stock exchange was founded. If secondary raw materials and metals are compared to the aforementioned investment opportunities, we can soon establish that they are virtually eternal and always tied to a certain market value regardless of the time we live in.

In what form can we buy secondary raw materials and metals?

Secondary raw materials and metals appear in various types and forms. We suggest diversifying your investments into several types of secondary raw materials and metals. Of utmost importance is liquidity. If we find ourselves in a crisis, it is better to sell 5kg of copper every month than 1,000kg of iron. In case of inflation, when money is rapidly losing its value, secondary raw materials and metals still guarantee their stable value.

Where can I sell secondary raw materials and metals if I need money?

It is best to sell them through our agency since we can sell your secondary raw materials and metals at current purchase prices any time you wish since you are the one who owns them. We guarantee all our investors the purchase and sale of secondary raw materials and metals, whereas our clients can decide by themselves when to sell.

If you do not agree with the offered price of our buyers, we can dispatch your secondary raw materials and metals in accordance with your instructions or send them EXW to our warehouse.

At what prices can I buy and sell?

With us, all prices (purchase and sale price) are tied exclusively to London Metal Exchange, so it is up to you when to buy or sell. We are always tied to the London Metal Exchange prices. You can monitor those prices at www.lme.com.